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Want to see more work? Set up an interview? Debate best Britney album? Kidding. We both know it's "Blackout."


Nothing is off the table. Except for owls. 




Jen Perry

Creative Director; has more awards than a beach has sand

John is funny, curious, super creative, and a great teammate. He always kept everyone on the team laughing and in good spirits, even when we were facing demanding workloads and deadlines. He's caring, helpful to his team members and his directors, and brings an authentic, human voice to all of his work. He's a true creative at heart, and can often be found tinkering away on interesting side projects. John was a pleasure to have on the team, and I think back on our time together fondly. His thoughtful and compassionate presence, coupled with his great creative mind, would be a benefit to any team lucky enough to work with him.

Meaghan Nooney

One of my fave writers with one of my fave last names

What can I say about John Grillo, the manager who almost singlehandedly made me the copywriter I am today? He is kind. He is generous. He is smart. He is witty. He is immeasurably creative. He is hilarious. Also, he loves fart jokes. (Turns out I have a lot to say about him.) While at Vistaprint, John consistently turned out best-of-the-best copy—try as we might, no one else could touch him. As my manager, he was supportive and encouraging, but never stopped pushing me (no feedback has motivated me more than "you're better than this, Nooney"). I miss working with John. If you are his coworker, I am very jealous of you. You will be better for him.

Alec Kleinfeld

Exceptional creative partner, passable shuffleboard partner

John Grillo. He is a great writer with an untainted ability to think and write creatively while closely adhering to the brief, yet breaking down each of its barriers in the most polite manner, in order to reach the true creative points of projects and capitalize on them with his keyboard of iron and bronze. It's almost as if he was abducted by aliens at a young age and beamed back down to Earth with the writing abilities of an extraterrestrial god. John is one of the best partners I've had. He has the energy level of a hydrogen bomb. I highly recommend him. He is seriously an asset to any team.

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